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fill the theatre food drive
February 5 & 6th, 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Paramount Theatre
139 S. Center Street, Goldsboro
Help us "Fill the Theatre" with donations for local food pantries and shelters!
Fill the Theatre is a two-day food drive where donors and volunteers literally try to "fill the theatre" with non perishable items. These items will be distributed among vetted pantries and shelters across Wayne County.
how to get involved
Individuals and organizations can reserve a seat, multiple seats, or even a row(s) in advance to fill with donated items.
Businesses and organizations can host "drop-off collection sites" leading up to the event to help collect more donations or provide a place for you to participate if you otherwise wouldn't be available on the day of the event.
Fill theTheatre more info
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