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The Community Support Program is funded by the Duke Energy Foundation to support resources and referrals for individuals and families facing personal and/or economic challenges. An interview process is required to determine eligibility, if a connection to all available resources has been made, or if an identified gap in services is needed. Assistance is limited to one time per year per individual/household

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Who is Eligible?

Eligibility is determined through an assessment taken at the United Way of Wayne County and based on personal and/or economic crisis. Contact United Way for information and eligibility criteria.

Wayne County residents experiencing a crisis (natural or personal) or in a recovery or transition process.

Examples may be:

  • Fire

  • Flood

  • Eviction

  • Pests

  • Loss of employement

  • Domestic Violence

  • Transition from homelessness

  • Re-entry

Recipients must be able to provide photo identification and transition documents.​


Recipients will undergo an intake process to determine their eligibility. Each recipient must be able to provide proof of income and transition.

Referrals can come from a United Way of Wayne County Community or other Verified Partner (for example, UNC Healthcare or Wayne County Public Schools). Agencies making referrals may submit the referral through NCCARES360 or by contacting United Way of Wayne County by phone or email. If the referring agency is involved in the client’s transition process, they would be asked to provide a referral letter.

areas of support

The following are areas addresses by the Community Support Program.

Click each category to learn how we can help you.

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